Panduan Lengkap Cara Mencari Domain Expired Berkualitas

Domain expired adalah domain yang masa aktifnya tidak diperpanjang lagi oleh pemilik sebelumnya sehingga bisa kita registrasi ulang.

Lalu, kenapa kita harus mencari domain expired ?

Bukankah domain baru lebih baik karena kita bisa memilih nama domain sesuai keinginan kita ?

Well, membeli domain baru adalah sesuatu yang umum dan banyak dilakukan oleh internet marketer, entah itu untuk website pribadi, perusahaan atau moneysite (web utama untuk mendapatkan earning). Tapi dalam beberapa kasus (terutama untuk internet marketer yang berkecimpung di bidang SEO), membeli domain expired bisa jadi satu pilihan yang mempunyai keuntungan tersendiri dibanding dengan membeli domain baru.

Apakah keuntungan itu ? Utamanya adalah untuk mem-bypass authority yang umumnya dipunyai oleh domain-domain expired, yang tentunya tidak dimiliki oleh domain yang masih baru. Sehingga nantinya, website bisa lebih mudah dan cepat meranking di search engine.

3 Fungsi Utama Domain Expired :

� Sebagai Moneysite

Dengan authority yang dipunyainya, domain expired bisa dijadikan moneysite yang potensial.

� Sebagai PBN

Domain expired juga bisa dijadikan PBN (Private Blog Network) yang kuat untuk mendongkrak ranking web-web moneysite di search engine.

� Sebagai 301 Redirects

Terakhir, domain expired bisa digunakan untuk mem-bypass linkjuice ke domain baru dengan teknik 301 redirect (tidak direkomendasikan untuk pemula, use at your own risk).

Tahapan Domain Setelah Expired

Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh, ada beberapa hal yang harus Anda ketahui tentang domain expired.

Setelah domain menjadi expired, ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dilalui. Untuk tiap registrar (Godaddy, Namecheap, Dynadot, dan sebagainya) tahapan ini bisa berbeda-beda waktunya.

Berikut ini tahapan-tahapan domain dari pertama expired sampai domain dilelang atau di delete dari registrar. Dalam tahapan ini saya menggunakan Godaddy sebagai acuan, untuk registrar lain bisa saja periode waktunya berbeda.

Hari setelah domain expiredKeterangan
Hari ke-1Domain dalam status Grace Period. Godaddy mencoba melakukan tagihan dan renew otomatis (jika diakun pemilik domain disetting auto-renew) untuk memperpanjang masa aktif domain
Hari ke-5Godaddy mencoba melakukan tagihan dan renew otomatis untuk kedua kalinya. Jika masih tetap gagal, domain akan langsung dimasukkan ke domain parking. Dalam tahapan ini, pemilik domain masih bisa memperpanjang domain tanpa kena biaya denda
Hari ke-12Godaddy mencoba melakukan renew otomatis untuk ketiga kalinya atau yang terakhir. Dalam tahapan ini, pemilik domain juga masih bisa memperpanjang domain tanpa kena biaya denda
Hari ke-19Domain bisa diperpanjang pemilik domain dengan biaya denda $80.00
Hari ke-26Domain dimasukkan kedalam lelang di Godaddy ( dengan sistem BID
Hari ke-36Lelang domain berakhir. Jika domain masih belum laku, domain akan dimasukkan ke lelang closeout (closeout auction). Didalam closeout auction ini berlaku sistem BIN (Buy it Now)
Hari ke-41Closeout auction berakhir
Hari ke-42Kesempatan terakhir untuk pemilik lama me-renew domain. Jika pemilik lama me-renew domain pada tahap ini, maka biaya yang dikeluarkan pemenang lelang/closeout akan direfund
Hari ke-43Domain diserahkan ke pemenang lelang/ closeout. Jika sampai tahap ini domain tidak juga laku (tidak ada yang melakukan BID atau BIN) maka domain akan diserahkan ke registry
Hari ke-44Domain kembali ke registry dan dalam status Redemption Period selama 30 hari. Dalam tahapan ini domain hanya bisa diperpanjang oleh pemilik lama, tentunya dengan biaya denda
Hari ke-74Domain dalam status Pending Delete selama 5 hari. Dalam tahapan ini domain sudah tidak bisa lagi diperpanjang oleh pemilik lama
Hari ke-79Domain berstatus Deleted. Domain dirilis ulang ke publik dan bisa dibeli seperti domain baru. Umur domain juga di set kembali ke 0

Aged Domain vs Dropped Domain

Mungkin Anda sering mendengar istilah aged domain dan dropped domain, terutama jika Anda tertarik dengan metode linkbuilding via PBN.

Lalu apa perbedaan antara aged domain dan dropped domain ? Manakah yang lebih bagus diantara kedua jenis expired domain tersebut ?

Aged domain dan dropped domain memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Tapi untuk membantu Anda membedakan dan memilih mana yang lebih cocok untuk Anda, saya berikan sedikit penjelasan tentang perbedaannya.

Dari tabel diatas, aged domain adalah jika Anda membeli expired domain dengan sistem lelang diantara hari ke-26 sampai dengan hari ke-41. Kenapa ? Karena Anda me-renew (memperpanjang masa aktif) domain sebelum domain dikembalikan ke registry.

Sedangkan expired domain masuk kategori dropped domain jika Anda melakukan renew (lebih tepatnya membeli) domain setelah hari ke-79. Kenapa ? Karena Anda membeli setelah domain dikembalikan ke registry dan umur domain di set kembali ke 0.

Kelebihan aged domain :
� Bisa dibedakan antara domain deindex dengan yang masih terindex
� Umur domain tidak direset ke 0

Kekurangan aged domain:
� Harga lebih mahal karena membayar biaya domain + renew
� Kurang fleksibel dalam memilih nama domain, karena menyesuaikan dengan stok yang ada di lelang/auction.

Kelebihan dropped domain :
� Harga lebih murah karena sama seperti membeli domain baru
� Lebih fleksibel dalam memilih nama domain karena stok melimpah

Kekurangan dropped domain :
� Susah dibedakan antara deindex atau tidak, karena hampir semua dropped domain indexnya kembali 0
� Umur domain direset kembali ke 0

Aged domain dan dropped domain mempunyai kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing, jika Anda ingin mencari expired domain entah untuk Moneysite ataupun PBN, sesuaikan saja dengan budget dan kebutuhan.

Website yang menyediakan daftar/list domain expired

Setelah mengetahui fungsi dan perbedaan domain expired, Anda juga tentunya ingin tahu dimana bisa mendapatkan daftar domain-domain expired tersebut. Berikut ini list-nya :

Service paling populer dan kalau tidak salah paling lama yang menyediakan daftar domain-domain expired secara gratis

Service premium yang bisa dibilang paling lengkap dalam menyajikan list database domain expired.

Dua service diatas adalah yang paling sering saya pakai dalam mencari expired domain. Jika Anda masih dalam tahap coba-coba, silahkan gunakan (free). Jika Anda sudah dalam tahap serius membangun PBN misalnya, Anda bisa subscribe di

Selain dua service diatas, masih banyak website-website lain yang menyediakan list database domain-domain expired dari berbagai registrar. Website-website tersebut antara lain :

Software/aplikasi yang bisa dipakai untuk mencari domain expired :

Kriteria domain expired yang bagus :

Selain itu, hal yang harus Anda ketahui sebelum mencari domain expired adalah menganalisa metrik dari domain-domain tersebut apakah layak untuk dijadikan Moneysite/PBN atau tidak.

Perlu diingat, metrik-metrik atau kriteria dibawah ini hanya sebagai sebuah panduan, bukan acuan yang harus diterima dan diterapkan secara mutlak. Bahkan, tiap praktisi SEO bisa berbeda-beda dalam menentukan batasan-batasan yang ada. Apalagi, mayoritas dari metrik ini bukanlah resmi buatan Google atau search engine lain, jadi tidak ada jaminan hasilnya 100% sesuai atau mendekati dengan algoritma yang ada.


DA (Domain Authority) dan PA (Page Authority) adalah metrik yang dikembangkan oleh Moz.

Nilai DA & PA sebuah domain bervariasi antara 0 s/d 100. Semakin tinggi DA/PA sebuah domain, makin tinggi pula authority domain tersebut (menurut Moz). Hal ini tidak sepenuhnya salah, tapi juga tidak sepenuhnya benar.

DA/PA sangat dipengaruhi oleh link yang masuk ke sebuah domain, terlepas dari kualitas link tersebut. Hal ini yang membuatnya mudah untuk dimanipulasi.

contoh DA PA

Tiap praktisi SEO bisa berbeda-beda dalam menentukan DA/PA minimal sebuah expired domain yang layak untuk dibeli. Ada yang minimal 10, 15, 20 bahkan ada yang minimal diatas 30.

Tools untuk cek DA/PA :


TF (Trust flow) dan CF (Citation Flow) adalah metriks yang dikembangkan oleh Majestic.

Berbeda dengan DA/PA, TF/CF tidak hanya fokus pada backlink yang masuk ke sebuah domain, tapi juga kualitas dari backlink tersebut.

Nilai TF (Trust flow) sebuah domain dipengaruhi oleh authority dari website-website yang memberikan backlink, sedangkan nilai CF (Citation Flow) dipengaruhi oleh banyaknya mention yang diterima sebuah domain di internet (world wide web) terlepas dari adanya backlink atau tidak yang mengarah ke domain tersebut.

Nilai TF/CF juga bervariasi mulai dari yang terendah (0) sampai tertinggi (100).

Idealnya, semakin tinggi nilai TF semakin besar pula kualitas domain tersebut.

contoh tf cf
blog ini mempunyai nilai Trust Flow yang mengenaskan� >_<

Tapi tidak halnya dengan CF. CF yang terlalu tinggi seringkali mengindasikan bahwa domain tersebut bekas dipakai spamming, apalagi jika tidak diimbangi dengan nilai TF yang seimbang.

Idealnya, nilai CF tidak lebih dari 2x-nya nilai TF.

Jika nilai TF 22 misalnya, nilai CF yang bagus adalah 44 kebawah.

Untuk mengecek TF/CF sebuah domain, Anda bisa langsung ke website


Jika Anda memilih aged domain maka domain harus masih terindeks di Google.

Anda bisa cek di Google dengan mengetikkan �� (tanpa tanda kutip)

cara cek index domain expired

Untuk jenis dropped domain tidak diperlukan pengecekan indeks, karena 99% indeks-nya sudah dihapus oleh Google.

Umur Domain

Untuk jenis aged domain rata-rata praktisi SEO menyarankan umur domain setidaknya 2 tahun.

Untuk mengecek umur domain Anda bisa menggunakan whois checker seperti :

Umur domain dihitung mulai dari pertama domain didaftarkan (Registration Date) sampai waktu sekarang.

cara cek umur domain

Untuk jenis dropped domain Anda tidak perlu menggunakan patokan umur domain.

Drop tidak lebih dari 2x

Ini juga banyak disarankan oleh para praktisi SEO.

Saya pribadi tidak menganggap poin ini terlalu penting. Anda bisa berimprovisasi dan melakukan trial error sendiri untuk menemukan jumlah minimal/maksimal berapa kali drop yang menurut Anda sesuai.

Untuk melihat berapa kali sebuah domain mengalami drop Anda bisa cek di :

cara cek domain drop


Ini adalah yang salah satu poin yang paling krusial dalam menentukan bagus tidaknya sebuah expired domain.

Backlink berperan besar dalam menentukan performa sebuah expired domain kedepannya, entah itu untuk moneysite atau PBN.

Beberapa hal yang harus Anda perhatikan dalam melakukan pengecekan backlink :

  • Perbandingan antara referring domain dengan total backlink yang wajar

Jika sebuah domain mempunyai total backlink 153 dan backlink tersebut berasal dari 40 domain, ini adalah sebuah angka yang wajar. Akan tetapi jika domain mempunyai total backlink 1500-an  dan berasal hanya dari 30-an domain, ini menjadi sebuah tanda-tanya besar.

Total backlink yang banyak dengan referring domain yang terlalu sedikit biasanya mengindikasikan bahwa backlink banyak terpasang secara sitewide, entah itu di sidebar atau footer. Dan seperti yang sudah diketahui, backlink sitewide di sidebar/footer tidak terlalu bagus untuk website, apalagi jika niche/topik-nya tidak relevan.

Idealnya, jumlah total backlink tidak lebih dari 10x jumlah referring domain.

Misal, jumlah referring domain 13, maka jumlah maksimal total backlink tidak lebih dari 130.

Jika jumlah referring domain 50, maka jumlah maksimal total backlink tidak lebih dari 500. Dan seterusnya�

backlinks vs referring domains

Apakah itu berarti total backlink yang banyak dengan referring domain yang terlalu sedikit pasti spam dan harus kita hindari ??

Belum tentu.

Sekali lagi ini hanya panduan yang tidak harus Anda terapkan sama persis.

Jika Anda menemukan domain dengan total backlink yang banyak dan referring domain yang terlalu sedikit, Anda harus melakukan langkah pengecekan backlink selanjutnya yaitu�.

  • Cek backlink satu persatu

Backlink yang bagus atau jelek tidak ditentukan oleh kuantitasnya, tapi kualitasnya. Untuk itu Anda harus melakukan pengecekan satu persatu untuk menentukan kualitas dari backlink tersebut.

Apakah tidak melelahkan melakukan cek backlink satu persatu ??

Bagaimana jika backlinknya ada ratusan, atau ribuan ??

Well, Anda bisa menggunakan fitur dari backlink checker seperti Ahrefs untuk menampilkan hanya 1 link per domain.

Misal, sebuah domain mempunyai backlink sebanyak 800. Tapi 800-an backlink tersebut berasal dari 83 referring domain.

Dengan Ahrefs, Anda bisa menampilkan hanya 83-an backlink yang diambil dari 83 referring domain tersebut. Jadi tiap referring domain ditampilkan hanya 1 sample backlink-nya saja.

one link per domain ahrefs
  • Authority Backlink vs Clean Backlink

Banyak yang menyarankan bahwasannya untuk mendapatkan domain exired yang berkualitas Anda harus mencari domain yang mendapat backlink dari authority sites seperti Huffington Post, Wikipedia, Masable, Engadget, web-web pendidikan (.edu) atau web-web pemerintahan (.gov).

Saran ini ada benarnya, walaupun menurut saya tidak 100% benar.

Jika domain expired yang Anda analisa mendapat backlink dari web-web Authority seperti diatas maka itu adalah sebuah poin  plus, tapi jika tidak tidak perlu berkecil hati.

Expired domain tidak wajib mempunyai backlink authority untuk bisa dijadikan Moneysite/PBN yang potensial, yang paling penting menurut saya adalah clean backlink alias backlinknya bebas dari spam.

  • Contextual Links

Expired domain yang bagus menurut saya adalah yang mayoritas backlinknya berupa contextual links atau berada didalam artikel.

Alasannya ? Backlink yang berada didalam artikel besar kemungkinan relevan dengan isi artikel, sehingga kecil kemungkinan terindikasi sebagai spam.

Anchor text

Anchor text juga tidak kalah pentingnya.

Domain expired dengan backlink-backlink dari web authority akan jadi sia-sia jika anchor text nya seperti ini :

contoh anchor text spam
contoh anchor text spam 2

Seiring dengan makin seringnya Anda menganalisa dan mencari expired domain yang bagus, nantinya Anda akan makin terbiasa dan bisa membedakan antara anchor text spammy dan legit hanya dengan melihatnya secara sekilas.

Anchor text yang bagus adalah yang banyak memakai nama atau brand domain.

Sebaliknya, domain dengan anchor text mayoritas �buying keyword� seperti : cheap, sell, online, buy, affordable dan sebagainya biasanya adalah domain bekas spam. Anda harus hati-hati dan teliti dalam membeli expired domain jenis ini.

History domain

History domain juga sangat penting untuk dicek, karena bisa menunjukkan bagaimana tampilan domain itu dimasa lampau. Apakah domain tersebut pernah dipakai untuk website spam, gambli*g, p*rno, redirect, website dengan bahasa asing dan sebagainya.

Dua free tools populer yang sering saya pakai untuk mengecek history domain expired adalah :

Untuk histori domain, sebaiknya hindari domain-domain bekas PBN, gambli*g, p*rno, dr*gs dan niche-niche sensitif atau ilegal lainnya.


Jika dipakai untuk PBN, akan lebih baik jika niche/topik domain disesuaikan dengan moneysite-nya. Tapi ini juga tidak wajib. Jika kriteria-kriteria lain sudah memenuhi syarat dan backlinknya oke, saya biasanya tetap membeli expired domain tersebut meski niche-nya agak melenceng dari moneysite saya.

Untuk niche domain ini disesuaikan saja dengan kebutuhan. Kadang ada moneysite yang niche-nya cukup unik sehingga sulit untuk mencari expired domain dengan niche yang sejenis, ada pula yang niche-nya cukup umum seperti travel atau health yang expired domain-nya relatif lebih mudah dicari.

Untuk mengecek niche domain Anda bisa menggunakan Wayback Machine & History Domain atau menggunakan metrik Topical Trust Flow yang ada di

Nama domain

Jika digunakan sebagai PBN, nama domain menurut saya tidak terlalu penting. Nama-nama domain yang singkat dan mudah diingat malah lebih baik daripada KOD (keyword on domain).

Sebaliknya untuk Moneysite, domain dengan partial match (keyword masuk disebagian nama domain) menurut saya adalah salah satu yang terbaik, seperti :,, dan sebagainya.


Ekstensi domain sebenarnya bebas disini, tapi jika bisa lebih baik .com, baik itu untuk moneysite maupun PBN. Alternatif lainnya adalah .net dan .org

3 Ekstensi diatas adalah ekstensi domain paling lama (selain .info dan .biz) yang beredar di internet sehingga soal kredibilitas dimata visitor sudah tidak perlu dipertanyakan lagi. Beda dengan ekstensi-ekstensi baru seperti .xyz, .co, .club atau mungkin .rocks.

Kriteria/metrik yang tidak saya pakai untuk mencari domain expired :


Pagerank sudah lama sekali tidak update dan memang menurut info resminya sudah tidak akan update lagi.

Jadi metrik ini sudah tidak lagi relevan untuk dijadikan patokan dalam mencari domain expired.

Spam Score

Spam Score adalah metrik yang dikembangkan oleh Moz. Metrik ini berfungsi untuk menilai tingkat spam suatu website.

Nilai Spam Score minimal adalah 0/17 dan maksimal 17/17. Makin tinggi nilai spam score makin tinggi pula kemungkinan website tersebut dipakai untuk spam.

Dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang masuk ke fb saya dan diskusi-diskusi di forum lokal yang saya ikuti, sepertinya beberapa pemain SEO masih menggunakan metrik ini dalam menentukan kualitas expired domain.

Beberapa tutorial cara mencari expired domain yang saya temukan di Google juga menyarankan spam score harus direntang nilai tertentu.

Saya sendiri tidak menggunakan metrik spam score karena saya kurang cocok beberapa elemen-elemen on page yang dijadikan patokan seperti : ada tidaknya contact info, jumlah external link, adanya angka di nama domain dan sebagainya.

contoh spam score

Jika Anda ingin menggunakan metrik Spam Score, pastikan Anda tidak mengikuti hasil yang diberikan 100%. Pengecekan histori domain secara manual tetap diperlukan.

Cara Mencari Domain Expired di

Terakhir, tidak lengkap rasanya membaca tutorial cara mencari domain expired tanpa mempraktekkannya langsung.

Dalam panduan ini, saya menggunakan karena layanan ini gratis, jadi Anda bisa langsung praktek tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya untuk subscription.

Untuk bisa menggunakan fitur-fitur di secara maksimal, Anda harus register dulu.

Setelah Register & Login, Anda akan menemui menu-menu seperti dibawah ini :

setting menu di

Untuk mencari jenis aged domain, klik Menu Marketplace Domain (no. 1) kemudian pilih GD Expired (No. 2).

GD Expired adalah tempat auction/lelang untuk domain yang baru saja expired (hari ke-26 s/d 35 dalam tabel tahapan domain expired diatas).

Atau Anda bisa memilih GD Closeouts (no. 3) jika Anda ingin mencari domain yang bisa langsung dibeli saat itu juga (BIN).

GD Closeouts adalah tempat lelang setelah domain tidak laku di lelang di GD Expired (hari ke-36 s/d 41 dalam tabel tahapan domain expired diatas).

Sedangkan untuk mencari jenis dropped domain, klik Menu Deleted Domains (no. 4) kemudian pilih ekstensi domain yang Anda inginkan.

setting menu dropped domain di

Setelah memilih diantara aged domain/dropped domain, selanjutnya adalah melakukan filter agar domain-domain yang muncul nantinya bisa sesuai dengan kriteria yang kita inginkan.

Untuk melakukan filter, klik �Show Filter� :

show filter

Ada 4 menu (tab) utama dalam filter ini yaitu Common, Additional, Adwords & SEO dan Majestic.

Tidak semua menu/filter harus Anda isi. Sesuaikan saja dengan kebutuhan.

Jika Anda mencari domain expired untuk PBN misalnya, maka filter Adwords hampir tidak ada gunanya untuk diisi.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita pelajari menu-menu tersebut satu persatu.

Tab Menu �Common�

tab menu common
  • Domain Name Whitelist

Filter ini digunakan untuk mencari domain berdasarkan keyword/kata tertentu.

Kecuali Anda ingin mencari domain jenis KOD, saya sarankan untuk mengosongi opsi ini.

  • Domain Name Blacklist

Berlawanan degan filter diatas, filter ini digunakan untuk tidak menampilkan domain-domain yang mempunyai keyword/kata tertentu.

  • Domain Name Contains � AND

Hampir sama fungsinya dengan �Domain Name Whitelist�, tapi disini Anda bisa memasukkan 2 keyword/kata atau lebih dan penempatannya tidak harus exact.

Misal Anda masukkan keyword �expired domain� (tanpa tanda petik) maka filter ini akan menampilkan domain-domain yang mempunyai keyword/kata �expired� dan �domain� seperti misal :,, dan sebagainya.

  • Domain Name (un) wanted Chars

Hampir sama fungsinya dengan �Domain Name Blacklist� tapi filter ini digunakan hanya untuk 1 karakter (1,2,3,A,B,C dan seterusnya).

  • Domain Name Pattern

Filter ini digunakan untuk mencari domain yang namanya mempunyai pattern/pola tertentu.

Misal : awalan domain menggunakan konsonan (huruf mati BCDFGH), karakter kedua domain menggunakan huruf hidup (vowel AIUEO), karakter terakhir domain menggunakan angka dan sebagainya.

Kecuali Anda ingin mencari domain dengan nama yang sangat bagus dan brandable (yang kemungkinan harganya juga mahal) sebaiknya kosongi opsi ini.

  • Domain Name Settings

no Numbers : centang jika Anda tidak ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai angka.
no Characters : centang jika Anda tidak ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai huruf alfabet.
no Hyphens : centang jika Anda tidak ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunya tanda hubung (-).
no consecutive Hyphens : centang jika Anda tidak ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunya tanda hubung berurutan (�).
only Numbers : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain dengan angka (tanpa haruf alfabet atau karakter lain).
only Characters : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain dengan huruf alfabet (tanpa angka atau karakter lain).
no Adult Names : centang jika Anda tidak ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai keyword-keyword adult seperti s*x, bo*bs, p*rn, dan sebagainya.

Menu dibawahnya digunakan untuk mengatur batas minimal dan maksimal dari jumlah karakter, hyphens (tanda hubung), vowels (huruf hidup), consonants (huruf mati), characters/huruf alfabet dan Numbers (angka).

  • SimilarWeb Top Country

Filter ini digunakan untuk menampilkan domain-domain yang mempunyai peringkat di (berdasarkan negara).

  • Common SEO

only with Dmoz Entry : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang masuk di directori (yang sayangnya per 17 Maret 2017 telah ditutup).

only with SimilarWeb Rank : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai ranking di

only with Alexa Rank :centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai ranking di

only with Quantcast Rank : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai ranking di

Menu dibawahnya digunakan untuk mengatur batas minimal dan maksimal dari Backlink, ACR ( Number of Crawl Results), Alexa, WBY (Whois Birth Year) dan ABY ( Birth Year).

  • SimilarWeb

Filter ini digunakan untuk memfilter domain berdasarkan data dari SimilarWeb mulai dari ranking domain secara global (Global Rank), ranking domain per-negara (Top Country Rank), Trafik dan sebagainya.

  • Listing Settings

Filter ini digunakan untuk menampilkan domain berdasarkan data auction/lelang.

only new last 12 hours : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang masuk ke auction/lelang dalam 12 jam terakhir.
only new last 24 hours : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang masuk ke auction/lelang dalam 24 jam terakhir.
only new last 7 days : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang masuk ke auction/lelang dalam 7 hari terakhir.
only new last 30 days : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang masuk ke auction/lelang dalam 30 hari terakhir.

Di menu bawahnya, Anda juga bisa menampilkan domain berdasarkan tanggal.

Max Price berfungsi untuk menentukan batas maksimal harga domain.

Listing Type untuk menentukan jenis auction/lelang yang ingin Anda tampilkan, apakah memakai sistem langsung beli (Buy it Now) atau sistem BID.

Domains per Page digunakan untuk mengatur jumlah domain per halaman yang ditampilkan di

Menu Tab �Additional�

tab menu additional
  • Original gTLDs

Filter ini digunakan untuk menampilkan domain dengan ekstensi tertentu.

only gTLDs : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang termasuk dalam gTLDs (Generic Top-Level Domains) seperti .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info dan sebagainya.

no gTLDs : kebalikan dari opsi pertama diatas.

Di menu bawahnya, Anda juga bisa memilih untuk menampilkan domain .com saja, .net saja dan sebagainya.

  • ccTLDs � Country Code TLDs

Filter ini digunakan untuk menampilkan domain dengan ekstensi dari negara tertentu.

only ccTLDs : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang termasuk dalam ccTLDs (Country Code Top-Level Domains) seperti .uk (United Kingdom), .id (Indonesia), .es (Spain), .de (Deutschland/Germany) dan sebagainya.

no ccTLDs : kebalikan dari opsi pertama diatas.

no Second Level Domains : centang jika Anda tidak ingin menampilkan domain yang termasuk dalam Second Level Domains seperti,,,,,,, dan sebagainya.

Di menu bawahnya, Anda juga bisa memilih untuk menampilkan domain dengan ekstensi .cc, .co, .me dan sebagainya.

  • Dictionary Word Domains

Filter ini digunakan untuk menampilkan domain dengan keyword/kata dari bahasa tertentu seperti English, German, Spanish, Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) dan sebagainya.

Anda juga bisa mengatur berapa minimal dan maksimal dari keyword/kata yang ada dalam domain-domain tersebut.

Untuk filter lain di Menu Tab ini seperti Geo Domains, Name in selected TLD is available, Name in selected TLD is registered, Related Domains CNOBI, Related Domains CNO, Related Domains .COM dan Social Namecheck tidak akan saya jelaskan karena filter ini menurut saya tidak terlalu penting dalam mencari domain expired.

Menu Tab �Adwords & SEO�

tab menu adwords & seo
  • Adwords Global, Adwords Germany, Adwords Products & Services Category, Adwords USA dan Adwords UK

Filter-filter ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk mencari domain expired untuk moneysite, utamanya untuk program Google Adsense.

Disini Anda bisa memfilter domain berdasarkan Global Monthly Search, Competition dan CPC (Cost per Click) yang ada di Adwords.

  • Yandex

Yandex TCI (Thematic Citation Index) adalah sistem perankingan website seperti Pagerank, tapi berdasarkan mesin pencari Yandex (Rusia).

  • Wikipedia & Wikipedia Databases

Gunakan filter ini jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang mendapat backlink dari Wikipedia.

  • Majestic Million

Filter ini berdasarkan data dari Majestic SEO

Majestic Global Rank : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai Global Rank di Majestic.

Di menu bawahnya Anda bisa mengatur batas minimal-maksimal jumlah backlink dari IP yang berbeda, jumlah backlink dari Class-C IP yang berbeda dan Ranking domain.

  • SEOkicks

Filter ini berdasarkan data dari SEOKicks.

Hampir sama dengan Majestic Million, disini Anda juga bisa mengatur batas minimal-maksimal jumlah backlink dari IP yang berbeda, jumlah backlink dari Class-C IP yang berbeda dan jumlah total backlink.

  • SEMRush

Filter ini berdasarkan data dari SEMRush.

SEMRush Rank : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai ranking di SEMRush.

SEMRush Keywords : centang jika Anda hanya ingin menampilkan domain yang mempunyai keyword yang meranking di search engine Google.

Di menu bawahnya Anda bisa mengatur batas minimal-maksimal dari SEMRush Rank, Keyword, Trafik dan estimasi CPC.

Menu Tab �Majestic�

tab menu majestic
  • Majestic, Majestic .edu/.gov, Majestic .edu/.gov EXACT

Sama seperti Majestic Million, filter ini juga berdasarkan data dari Majestic SEO

Disini Anda bisa memfilter domain berdasarkan TF (Trust Flow), CF (Citation Flow), Jumlah External Backlinks (link keluar), Jumlah Referring Domains, Jumlah Backlink .edu/.gov, external backlink .edu/.gov dan sebagainya.

  • Majestic Topical Trust Flow

Filter ini adalah salah satu fitur andalan di Majestic.

Topical Trust Flow cukup berguna jika Anda ingin mencari expired domain dengan niche/topik tertentu.

Disini Anda bisa memilih sampai 10 kategori.

Langkah selanjutnya, jika Anda sudah selesai memilih filter yang dibutuhkan berdasarkan data-data diatas, Anda bisa klik �Apply Filter�.

apply filter

Maka domain-domain yang masuk kriteria akan ditampilkan beserta kolom-kolom yang berisi data-data pendukung seperti jumlah backlink, histori domain, harga domain, jenis auction, waktu berakhir auction dan sebagainya.

contoh daftar expired domain

Anda juga bisa mengkustom kolom dari domain-domain yang ditampilkan ini berdasarkan kebutuhan.

Untuk melakukannya, klik �Show Filter� kemudian �Customize Columns

tombol customize columns

Pilih kolom yang Anda perlukan kemudian klik �Save Changes�.
menu di column manager

Jika sudah selesai, domain-domain ini bisa Anda simpan dalam bentuk .csv dan .txt agar bisa dianalisa lebih lanjut.

simpan daftar expired domain dalam bentuk csv dan txt


Untuk mencari domain expired yang berkualitas diperlukan analisa-analisa secara menyeluruh dan mendetail mulai dari kualitas domain, backlink, history dan sebagainya.

Tidak ada batasan minimal/maksimal yang pasti dari tiap metrik yang ada, jadi silahkan berimprovisasi sendiri agar menemukan komposisi yang cocok dan hasilnya sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.

Semakin Anda sering hunting expired domain, semakin terasah pula ketajaman Anda dalam mencari dan menemukan domain expired yang berkualitas, baik sebagai PBN maupun moneysite.

Semoga panduan ini bermanfaat. Jika ada pertanyaan jangan ragu untuk reply dikolom komentar :)



Guest Blogging in 2021: How I Wrote 80+ Guest Posts in 1 Year

If you just started a blog this year, you�re entering the most competitive search engine landscape in history. If guest blogging isn�t a part of your marketing strategy, you are severely limiting your growth.

It�s not 2008 anymore � you can�t hit page 1 on Google just by plopping down 500 words on a page or joining some shady backlink directory. You need to up your game.

High quality, long-form, media-heavy, and relevant blog posts with backlinks are what rank this year. (Gee, thanks for making us work harder, Google.)

And excluding on-page SEO, getting high quality, relevant backlinks from high Domain Authority sites are more critical than ever. So how do you get the most high-quality backlinks this year?

The answer is modernizing and scaling your guest blogging strategy.

To test the effectiveness of guest posting, I implemented a 15-day guest blogging experiment.

My goal was simple:

In 15 days, publish as many guest posts as possible on high Domain Authority sites to learn four key things:

1. How to master the guest blogging process.

I wanted to learn the ins and outs of how to effectively target influential blogs, perform email outreach, pitch topics, write and edit drafts, and get published on high DA sites as quickly as possible.

2. The impact of a guest blogging strategy on a website�s SEO this year.

Once the 15 days end and any articles are published, I would use SEO tools to understand how effective guest posting was at increasing Domain Authority, Alexa Rank, and driving target organic traffic.

3. Strategies to scale white hat SEO this year.

Black hat SEO strategies have been out of style for over a decade now. I wanted to discover the best ways to scale white hat SEO techniques and accelerate the acquisition of trustworthy, authoritative links.

4. If anyone, regardless of experience, can get high-quality backlinks.

In my guest blogging experiment, I only targeted websites with a Domain Authority of 60+, with the average being 72.5. I wanted to prove that any new blogger can obtain these high-quality backlinks.

My Guest Blogging Experiment: 15 Days, 18,400 Words, and 8 Guest Posts

My guest blogging experiment began on January 4th, 2019, and ended on January 18th, 2019. During these 15 days, I went through every step of the guest blogging process. This process included finding the right contacts, cold email outreach, pitching topics, outlining and writing drafts, and finally, submitting guest posts to get them published.

On January 4th, I started emailing 68 different websites to ask if I could contribute a guest post. Of these 68 sites, 28 were interested. Of these 28, I pitched topics to 18. Finally, of these 18 sites, I got eight articles published in 15 days.

In fact, on the last three days of the experiment � January 16, 17, and 18 � articles were published three days in a row.

Now that my 15-day guest blogging experiment is over, I can safely review the data and assess the SEO impact on my blog.

Here are the results:

  • Eight guest posts published on websites with Domain Authorities of 81, 73, 60, 66, 71, 61, 94, and 84
  • 32 new referring domains
  • 247 new backlinks
  • 268 new organic keywords ranking in the top 100
  • 372% increase in organic traffic
  • +12 to Domain Rating
  • Alexa Rank improved by 600,000

I�d say the guest blogging experiment was a success!

This blog post is your ultimate guide to unlocking everything I learned after 15 grueling days of aggressive pitching, writing, and publishing guest posts.

Update (March 2020): By continuing this process over 12 months, I wrote over 80 guest posts in 2019, increased my Domain Rating from 0 to 76, increased my organic traffic from 0 to 300k+, and started making $61k/month from this blog � see my Blog Income Reports.

February 2020 vs February 2019 Traffic

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is the process of a blog owner, writing a guest blog post on another website�s blog. Guest bloggers offer to write content for other blogs in their niche, with the benefit of increased backlinks and referral traffic.

What are the Benefits of Guest Blogging?

If you ever hit publish on your latest blog post, wait anxiously for readers, and then.


You�re not alone. Since it takes time for your blog posts to move up the organic search rankings, it gets discouraging when you don�t see traffic right away.

Writing guest posts is one of the best ways to boost these rankings and build your credibility. By leveraging other blogger�s audiences and Domain Authority (DA), you build up your backlink profile and gain exposure to a broader audience.

Here are my top benefits of guest blogging.

1. Building Your Domain Authority

Your Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score (from 0-100) that predicts how well a website will rank. Domain authority is a metric created by Moz and measured by many factors, including the total number of links, linking root domains, social signals, TrustRank, and more into a single score.

One of the best ways to build a Domain Authority is by guest posting. When you contribute content to other blogs, you can include a link or two to your website. Obtaining these contextual, dofollow links from high DA websites is one of the best ways to increase your website�s domain authority (and traffic).

2. Getting Valuable Backlinks

Backlinks, also known as dofollow links or inbound links, are links from other websites to your website. Sites like Google consider backlinks a vote of confidence from the referring domain, boosting your website�s credibility in their eyes.

These backlinks are like votes � the more you get, the more search engines believe your content marketing efforts are credible, useful, and valuable.

When writing guest posts, you can add a link or two to your own site within the content, and you can also link to your site in your guest author bio.

3. Generating Referral Traffic

In addition to obtaining backlinks and SEO benefits from writing guest posts, your backlinks also bring in referral traffic. A user reads your guest post and clicks links back to your blog, increasing your traffic.

When writing a guest post, strategically add your backlinks to URLs that you want people to read � a useful article, opt-in email page, or service page.

4. Creating New Relationships with Bloggers

Ultimately, the most important benefit of guest blogging is the new relationships that you build with other bloggers and influencers in your niche.

It�s a very collaborative blogging strategy, and you�ll most likely stay in contact with site owners long after your post is published.

The key is to be valuable. Respond kindly and promptly to emails, send in your drafts on time, and most importantly, create fantastic content. By doing these things, you�ll have a better chance of maintaining a healthy relationship.

Finally, these relationships can also turn into further guest blogging opportunities down the road. Additionally, you can leverage your connections and turn them into other cool projects like co-marketing, podcasts, ebooks, and online courses.

You can also use these relationships to get intros to more influential guest posting opportunities.

How to Pitch Guest Posts to High Domain Authority Sites

1. Start By Understanding Your Value

Before you get started on your journey, there�s one central theme you need to understand.

You have to provide value.

Don�t go into the process of guest blogging for SEO only thinking about what you�ll get out of the deal. First, you need to focus on the benefits you�ll give the site.

Ask yourself: what value are you providing?

  • Does your expertise match their audience�s interests?
  • Does your writing style match what the blog�s audience is looking for?
  • Is the blog currently in need of a lot of content to fill their editorial calendar?
  • Can you leverage link building for them in other guest articles you�re writing?
  • Is there a topic that you�re well versed in that doesn�t exist on their blog?

The first step in pitching and finding blogging opportunities is understanding your value and what you can do to help. This information will be vital in your initial email outreach strategy.

2. Create a Targeted List of Websites You Want to Write For

Once you understand the value you can provide, it�s time to start building your blog outreach list.

This list should be a simple spreadsheet with five columns: Website, Name, Email Address, Status (you�ll note your outreach dates here), and Notes.

To start populating your spreadsheet with guest blogging sites, look up the target blog�s monthly site visitors and Domain Authority by plugging their URL into an SEO tool like Ahrefs.

Aim for blogs with a Domain Authority of 50+. Also, check to see if their blog is hosted on their main domain or subdomain � oftentimes a blog on a subdomain won�t provide as backlink strength as a blog on a root domain.

Remember, the higher the Domain Authority, the more SEO impact you�ll receive from each backlink. Additionally, the higher their monthly site visitors, the more readers your guest post will get.

If you�re new to blogging, it may not make sense to reach out to a site like Forbes or The Huffington Post, as those require real-world relationships and connections.

Aim for websites in your niche with Domain Authorities above 50. To save time during your search, find an article featuring the top blogs and websites accepting guest posts, with Domain Authority scores added in.

But just traffic levels aren�t enough � you need to look for engagement as well.

A WordPress blog with 1 million visits/month, but few comments, Tweets, or social shares could be less valuable than a site with 50,000 visits/month but a highly-engaged audience. You want readers to interact with your content, so look for engagement.

You can also research and find the website�s email subscriber list size. A quality guest article may be shared to their subscribers after it is published, boosting your visibility.

Once you are done adding blogs to your spreadsheet, research these sites in-depth to find their guest posting guidelines. A lot of blogs have a dedicated page that outlines exactly how to contribute, what they are looking for, and requirements on tone, word count, and more.

To find these guest post guidelines, do a quick Google search like: � blog guidelines.� This searches the blog for any content related to their guest post guidelines.

When you start guest blogging, avoid sites that require a full draft submission via a contact form. You don�t want to put in hours of work writing a 2,500+ word article, only to submit it via a form and get no response. Focus on sites that allow you to pitch topics or outlines.

3. Find the Right Person to Contact for Guest Blogging Opportunities

So you�ve pared down your list of blogs based on the criteria above. It�s time to find the right person to contact.

First, use LinkedIn.

Start by filtering your search results by the blog�s company page, then within the company, search for people by using terms like: �Content Manager,� �Blog Manager,� �SEO Manager,� �Editor,� or simply, �Content.�

After you find 2-3 potential contacts, connect with them on LinkedIn. Remember, 2nd degree LinkedIn connections are better than 3rd, and if you have a mutual contact, even better.

Don�t spend too much time on your connection message either, often your text gets buried or comes off as spammy.

You can also use social media to reach out on Facebook. Find the company or blog�s business page and send them a short message. Companies are likely to respond to Facebook messages because they want to maintain their �quick to respond� metrics on their Facebook pages.

Once you�ve reached out on social media, use a tool like or ContactOut to find the right contact�s email addresses. Even if you can�t find their exact email address, a tool like shows email structure, such as or

ContactOut has a helpful Chrome Extension that works on top of LinkedIn and adds people�s email address, phone, and social media channels:

Finally, to stay on the cutting edge with your outreach strategy, check out Respona. They are creating an all-in-one search, outreach, and engagement platform that�s launching very soon.

Using AI, they are planning to be the most comprehensive solution to find content, get contact information, and send dynamic email templates. You can join their early access beta list to test them out before they launch.

Once you have this information, add it to your spreadsheet, and note the date of your attempted LinkedIn connection.

4. Start your Guest Blogging Email Outreach

To recap your progress so far, you now have your list of blogs you want to write for, the correct person to contact, and connected with them on LinkedIn. Now it�s time to start your guest post email outreach strategy by using templates and personalized messaging.

There are plenty of cold email strategies out there. The best tips I learned are to keep your email short, provide value, and showcase your previous work.

Here�s a cold email template that I like to use, with an 80%+ open rate and 50%+ response rate:

Subject Line: Hey (First Name) // Content and Link Building Opportunities � Adam from (Company)

Hey (First Name),

My name�s Adam and I�m the (Job Title) at (Company).

I�m reaching out because I love (Target Blog) and your (Target Article) really resonated with me because (Reason).

I was curious if:
1) You�d like to participate in link building. I write (X-X) guest posts per month and would be happy to link to your site in my content.
2) You allow guest posts on your blog.

I�d love to contribute to your (awesome? informative? useful?) blog and can pitch some topic ideas that I think your audience will enjoy. Here are some recent samples from me:
(Sample 1 URL)
(Sample 2 URL)
(Sample 3 URL)

Please let me know if you�re interested and I look forward to hearing back from you soon!



That�s it � and this one is a little bit on the long side. In the end, it�s about treating each person as a friend, personalizing your content, providing value in the form of links, and getting right to the point.

Email outreach gets much easier over time once you have a large sample of content and start getting your articles noticed. If you don�t have any writing samples published just yet, have a few drafts in your back pocket that you can share. As a last resort, share a link to your blog.

If you receive an email response and they are interested congratulations! The next step is pitching your topic ideas. Sometimes you�ll receive guidance on topics or themes the blog is looking for, but more often than not, you�ll have to come up with a topic on your own.

5. Perfecting Your Topic Pitch

There are four main criteria for the perfect topic pitch:

  1. Your content doesn�t exist on their site yet. When you have a guest post idea, go to Google and search � topic� to scan their blog to check if it already exists.
  2. Your topic and target keywords have SEO value. Go back to Ahrefs and input the blog�s URL. View which organic keywords are driving the most traffic to see if you can find gaps in their content that you can fill.
  3. The topic matches your expertise. You should be able to write intelligently about the topic and use the guest blog to build more influence in your niche.
  4. The topic matches the audience�s interests. Check their editorial guidelines and look into how they write their headlines. Then read a few of their blog posts to understand better what kind of topic and titles will match their visitors� interests. You can also check out which of their articles are the most shared on social media to see the content that works best.

After your research is complete, and you have 2-3 ideas, share them promptly. You can also note in your email reply that, �if these topics don�t work for your audience, I�d be happy to send over more ideas.� In most cases, (if you�ve done your homework) one of your topics will be approved for a draft.

How to Scale Your Guest Blogging

Before you start clicking away at your keyboard like a modern-day F. Scott Fitzgerald, slow down and consider your options. There are two questions to ask yourself:

  1. Are you going to write the drafts yourself?
  2. Or can you outsource some of the drafts to content writers?

Wait a second.

After all of this research, outreach, and pitching, I�m not going to write the actual blog post?

The answer: not necessarily. 

1. Work With a Content Company, Freelancer, or Guest Blogging Service

If you think that the credited author always writes guest posts, you�re sadly mistaken. The typical blog post takes 3.5 hours to produce (and that number balloons up to 10+ hours for longer content). It may be a better use of your time to get a ghost blogger to write the content for you.

If you own the topic idea, create the blog post outline, and edit the final draft, working with a bylined guest post service or hiring a freelancer can save you time and scale your process.

76% of people surveyed in a Public Relations Journal Study believe that as long as the idea came from (and was approved by) the stated author, ghost blogging is just fine. With some ghost bloggers writing hundreds of articles per year, these backlogged articles need a home.

By outsourcing specific components of the guest blogging process, more of your time is freed up to pitch topics, send in more drafts, and publish more articles.

The perfect way to scale your guest blogging strategy is to separate portions of the process to different individuals.

Here�s how it works:

You, the author, pitch the topic, create the outline, and handle the emails. In unison, your writer pens the initial draft, inserts their links and sends you the finished draft. Then you revise the copy, add your links, and submit the draft.

Since high Domain Authority links are so valuable, if you�re great at pitching top DA sites (think 70+), you may be able to get content cheap or even free if you allow your writers to add their own backlinks into your articles.


You can find competent freelance writers on sites like Flexjobs.

I placed a featured job posting on the ProBlogger job board and got over 60 freelance writing applications in one day.

2. Create High-Quality, Shareable, Long Form Guest Blog Posts

The quickest way to make your guest posts go viral on social media is by creating unique, high-quality, linkable content. What do I mean by linkable?

Well, if you hit publish on a guest post about the Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends, but it has no useful data or images, it�s probably not going to get shared.

Alternatively, if your article is filled with interesting stats to back up your claims, beautiful infographics, and striking imagery, it is much more likely to go viral and generate passive backlinks.

3. Format your Guest Blog Posts and Links to Maximize Effectiveness

Primarily, guest post drafts are written, shared, and approved all inside of Google Docs � a free tool that�s perfect for collaborating with bloggers.

There are a few best practices to understand: formatting rules, sharing options, and link strategies to maximize your effectiveness per post.

A. Format Your Google Doc Correctly

Nothing will make you look more like a rookie to another blogger than not understanding how to format your drafts. Every blog has slightly different guest blogging guidelines.

However, using the Outline Tool within Google Docs will help make your draft easier to navigate and feature the correct headers (H2, H3, H4, etc.).

You also want to understand Google Docs sharing rules. Send your drafts to editors with the share setting of �Anyone with the link can edit.� If you�re paranoid your precious work will be edited into oblivion, make a copy and save it to your Google Drive.

Make sure to also include any images in your document if necessary. These can be stock photos, but are usually screenshots of websites. If you use screenshots, make sure to cite the source URL underneath and add alt text to the image.

B. Strategically Add Your Links

Typically, when writing a draft, you�re allowed to add 1-2 links to your website within the content. Plus, you get a link to your homepage in your author bio. But these aren�t hard and fast rules.

For some guest posts, you might be able to get away with adding 3-4 links to your website in the content. The key is your links need to be contextual, relevant, and highly useful to the reader.

Also, mix up your anchor text so that your backlinks don�t send traffic to your site with the same keyword every time. This is not an SEO best practice.

When placing your links, start by adding at least two within the content, unless the guidelines explicitly state otherwise. Your links should go to blog posts that are relevant and backup the content, not your home page or contact page.

Bonus tip: some blogs are re-syndicated to multiple international TLDs, so one link can potentially count as ten if the website has separate international domains.

C. Add Your Author Bio (With Backlinks)

An effective guest author bio is 2-4 sentences long, gives readers a feel for who you are, what you do, and a way to connect with you. And you�re not limited to just one backlink in your bio. You can usually get away with two (I�ve had a few posts with four).

Another tip is to strategically link to an opt-in email page from your guest author bio to get more subscribers for your list.

4. Link to Target Influencers in your Guest Posts

When placing links, don�t solely focus on yourself � share the wealth!

Links are the currency of the Internet. A recent survey in 2018 found that 78.6% of blogs sell links, with an average cost of $352.92 per link. And this number is rising.

The going rate for a link from a 90+ Domain Authority site can go for as much as $2,500 per link.

Another benefit of guest blogging on high DA sites is that you can leverage this DA to provide value to influencers. For example, if there�s an influential blogger, podcaster, or celebrity you have always dreamed of rubbing shoulders with, link to their website in your guest posts frequently.

Better yet, use an SEO tool like Ahrefs or SEMRush to find specific landing pages where they�re ranking between 5-15 for a high volume keyword. Link to that landing page from your top DA guest posts multiple times to see if you can boost their rankings.

Once you link to the influencer 5-10 times, reach out to them via email. Let them know you love their work, showcase the useful links you�ve sent them, and don�t ask for anything in return.

What? Ask for nothing in return? 

Yes, that�s correct.

The best way to grow your online influence with guest posts is to provide incredible value to the most substantial amount of people, with zero expectations.

If you can become influential and provide real value to real people, people will organically want to help you.

Become so valuable that others feel bad if they don�t help you out.  

Okay, now that all of your influencer links are placed, it�s time to submit your draft. Send your guest post submission and wait for feedback. The editing process is usually relatively quick. In this stage, you can collaborate further inside your Google Doc and answer any comments or suggested changes they may have.

Once the draft is approved, your article will get a scheduled publish date � typically 2-3 weeks out.

You�ve made it a long way, and your guest post is scheduled. Let�s recap what you�ve done so far.

  1. First, you discovered how you could personally provide value to other bloggers.
  2. Next, you created a targeted list of blogs you want to write for, focusing on Domain Authority, traffic, and engagement levels.
  3. You uncovered the right contacts and performed email outreach with a reusable email template.
  4. After receiving a reply, you sent a guest post pitch after scanning their site and understanding their audience.
  5. Once your topic was approved, you started writing and formatted your draft correctly in Google Docs.
  6. Next, you strategically placed your backlinks in your content and guest author bio.
  7. As a bonus, you linked to influencers and people you want to work with.
  8. Finally, you submitted your draft, assisted with edits, and locked in a publish date.

5. Guest Blogging for SEO: Tracking your Results

Congratulations! Your guest post�s publish date has arrived, your article is posted, and you get to read your published work on a popular blog. Take the time to enjoy this moment � your hard work has paid off.

So what do you do now that your article is live? (What?! There�s more?!)

Share your article on your social channels and among your professional network. Once the article has been up for a week or two, it�s time to recognize the SEO impact this article has on your website. Remember, you have to be patient.

It takes time for sites like Google�s PageRank to discover your guest post, crawl its links, and attribute them back to your website. And it takes even longer for these links to impact your search rankings.

Much like submitting your site to Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) isn�t instant, the same is true for your guest posts.

But after patiently waiting, crawlers hit your article, discover your new backlinks, and recognize the new referring domain pointing to your blog. Let�s track your SEO progress.

Use a tool like Ahrefs (if you haven�t realized already, I love this tool) and check the following website metrics to view their improvements over time.

Blog Traffic Increase

1. Alexa Rank.

The measure of a website�s popularity. It ranks millions of websites in order of popularity, with one being the most popular. Your Alexa Rank is a great metric to track, as it compares the popularity of your site against all others.

2. Domain Rating.

Similar to Domain Authority, Domain Rating is a KPI created by Ahrefs which measures your website�s authority on a scale from 0-100, based on your link profile.

3. Number of Backlinks.

You can view the number of new, lost, and live dofollow links that are pointing to your domain. This number includes multiple links per domain, so if you get four links in one guest post, the total number of backlinks is 4.

4. Number of Referring Domains.

This SEO metric is similar to your amount of backlinks, except that it is only counting the number of websites linking to you, not your total number of links. Based on the previous example, if you receive four links from one guest post, the total number of referring domains is 1.

5. Organic Keywords.

Once you crack the top 100 search results for a target keyword, you can track its progress and movements in Ahrefs.

It�s important that your number of organic keywords increases over time, as new backlinks to your blog posts will increase their visibility and rankings on Google.

Track these results every week (or every day if you�re obsessed like me) and enjoy witnessing the impact of your hard work.

Guest Blogging FAQ.

Does guest blogging work?

Yes, guest blogging still works and is a viable way to build relationships with other bloggers, get in front of a new audience, build your blog�s reputation and improve your SEO.

When I launched my blog in 2019, I wrote over 80 guest posts in the first year and it drastically improved my SEO and traffic. I grew my Domain Rating (DR) from 0 to 76, increased my traffic from 0 to over 300,000 visitors/month, and started making over $60,000/month as you can see in my Blog Income Reports.

Do guest bloggers get paid?

In general, most guest bloggers do not get paid and write for other sites to build relationships and get backlinks for their blogs. Some sites that are in need of content and have a pool of writers can pay you for your guest posts, but typically require you to write a certain number of posts over a period of several months.

Alternatively, some sites may charge you to write a guest post for them in the form of a sponsored post. Prices can range from $100 to $2,000 but the normal price range for a sponsored post is somewhere between $250 and $750 based on the blog�s traffic and reputation.

Should I accept guest posts on my blog?

There are pros and cons to accepting guest posts on your blog. On the plus side, you get to publish free content that you don�t have to write which can increase the number of articles on your blog and increase your traffic.

On the downside, you need to be cautious when you start accepting guest posts. Create strict editorial guidelines and make sure that the content is high-quality and doesn�t include low-quality external links.

Is guest blogging good for SEO?

Yes, guest blogging is good for SEO as it helps your blog obtain backlinks and referral traffic. These dofollow links pass SEO value from the guest post site to your blog via the links you add. This builds up your Domain Authority (DA) over time which helps you rank faster on search engines.

Keep in mind that you should be careful with both the sites you choose to guest post on and how you add your links to the articles. Look for reputable, quality blogs to write for that have a strong DA and high-quality content in your niche.

Additionally, when adding links to your blog within your guest posts, make sure to optimize your anchor text. You should mix up anchor text and make it as natural as possible so that it flows well in the content and provides additional value.

Your anchor text also shouldn�t be over-optimized or always match the exact keyword your blog post is targeting. Mix it up with phrase-match anchors (contains the target keyword + additional terms), branded anchors (your blog name), and even some anchors without your target keyword at all.

How many links should a guest post have?

The number of external links in a guest post is based on the individual sites editorial guidelines. A good rule of thumb is to include 3-5 links for every 1,000 words of content. Make sure to include 2-3 links to your own blog within the content so that you gain SEO benefits from the post.

My Guest Blogging Experiment: Summary

Guest blogging is still one of the best ways to grow your web traffic over time. By writing high-quality guest posts on other websites in your niche, you receive valuable inbound links, increase your Domain Authority, gain more exposure to readers interested in your content, and build new relationships with bloggers.

To get started, discover the value you can provide to other bloggers. Use email outreach strategies to lock down guest posts. Leverage content writers to scale the speed at which you publish.

Build enough influence to get people to write for you. Finally, maximize your SEO impact with smarter link placement.

By conducting my guest blogging experiment and publishing eight guest posts in 15 days, I received 247 new backlinks, a 12 point boost to my Domain Rating, and a 372% increase in organic traffic.

Then I took that initial experiment and published over 80 guest posts in one year, improved my Domain Rating from 0 to 76, increased my blog traffic from 0 to over 300,000 visitors/month and started making $61k/month.

With thousands of websites accepting guest posts from seasoned writers and new bloggers alike, it�s time to up your game.

So go out there and build your online influence, scale your content strategies, and provide so much value that influencers will be asking you for help.



Tips Membeli Domain Expired

Membeli Domain Expired memang bisa dibilang susah � susah gampang, Nah pada artikel kali ini saya mencoba membuat artikel tentang Tips Membeli Domain expired yang menguntungkan Anda. Banyak blogger yang coba membeli domain dengan pagerank yang tinggi, namun pada saat Google update PRnya jadi kosong atau nol atau bahkan NA. Memang sebenarnya Google sudah tidak update lagi soal pagerank ini. Dan saya juga tidak terlalu memusingkan soal PR (Page Rank). Bisa jadi Page Rank yang sekarang ini nampak di sebuah website bisa jadi itu bukan PR yang sebenarnya, atau sebuah website yang tidak mempunyai page Rank bisa jadi PR nya tinggi jika Google masih meng update PR. Bukan rahasia lagi, PR sebenarnya bisa dimanipulasi dengan membuat backlink spam. Jadi saya secara pribadi tidak terlalu memusingkan soal PR nol atau tidak.

Dimana bisa mencari Expired Domain

Untuk mencari domain sebenarnya ada banyak cara dan juga bisa melibatkan software yang gratisan maupun yang berbayar, saya lebih sering menggunakan yang gratisan karena hemat meskipun memang sedikit makan waktu. Berikut ini daftar dimana kita bisa membeli domain bekas atau expired:

  1. (saya pakai ini)
  2. GoDaddy Expired Domain atau (saya pakai ini)
  3. namecheap Marketplace
  5. Register Compass (berbayar)

Perhatikan Umur Domain

Bicara soal umur pasti ada hubungannya dengan pengalaman yang sudah dilalui tetapi apa hubungannya umur dengan domain? Menurut pendapat orang, katanya mesin pencari lebih menyukai domain yang sudah berumur jika dibandingkan dengan domain yang baru sekali di bangun.

Apa benar?

Hal ini masih jadi perdebatan yang cukup membingungkan hingga hari ini, meskipun demikian saya kadang membeli domain yang sudah berumur untuk membangun website affiliate atau backlink yang akan saya gunakan untuk menambah backlink website saya, backlink ini akan saya arahkan ke money site saya.

Untuk bisa melihat umur sebuah domain kita bisa melihat dari data whois, ada banyak cara sebenarnya, Cuma cara cepat dan tidak ribet yang sering saya lakukan biasanya saya ngechecknya pakai website:

caranya gampang saja kita tinggal kunjungi salah satu website di atas kemudian kita masukkan nama domain atau website yang akan kita check umurnya kemudian klik search. Untuk membantu memudahkan kalian saya mencoba membuat video live presentationnya. Video ini kurang sempurna meskipun demikian semoga video ini bisa sedikit membantu kalian.

Domain berekstensi apa yang sebaiknya kita beli? Tidak ada patokan sih buat saya, terserah kalian saja, karena website atau domain ini mau saya pakai untuk backlink atau membuat PBN, biasanya saya banyak membeli domain yang berekstensi .com, .net, org kadang kalau ada .info. ingat usahakan jangan membeli domain yang hanya dipakai untuk jualan. Jadi Anda perlu menghindari domain yang menggunakan nama produk, diskon, promo, buy, cheap for sale dan masih banyak yang lain. Yang lebih penting lagi jangan beli domain yang berbau pornogrfi.

Usahakan membeli domain bekas yang digunakan untuk domain pribadi, perusahaan atau komunitas tertentu, atau kita bisa membeli domain yang seniche dengan website kita.

Apakah Google masih mengindeks website itu

Setelah Anda menemukan nama domain, sekarang waktunya kita mengecek domain � domain yang sudah kita cari tadi. Caranya sangat mudah Anda hanya perlu mengetikkan di Google kemudian klik enter. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini untuk:

mengecek history website

mengecek domain deindex oleh Google

Memeriksa Metriks Domain yang akan di Beli

Metriks apa saja yang akan kita periksa? Nah berikut ini adalah metriks yang akan kita periksa:

  • DA (Domain Authority) > 20
  • PA (Page Authority) >20
  • PR (Page Rank) Bebas karena google tidak update lagi
  • TF (Trust Flow) > 10
  • CF (Citation Flow) > 10
  • Quality Backlink website itu 1- 10
  • History (bersih tidak pakai untuk PBN sebelumnya)
  • Anchor Text (tidak spam, kalau bisa bervariasi)

Standar yang saya sebutkan di atas mungkin sama dengan standar beberapa orang, tetapi bisa jadi ada berbeda juga, kalau kalian mau lebih tinggi standarnya silahkan saja.

Untuk memeriksa metriks diatas kita perlu menggunakan beberapa tools online yang Gratis saja beberapa diantaranya seperti:

Mengecheck Page Rank Domain itu

Mengecek Page Rank kita bisa menggunakan dua tools gratis yang sudah di sediakan, kenapa kita harus menggunakan 2 tools online gratis? Karena kadang saat kita mengecek PR di salah website itu, kadang � kadang PR nya tidak muncul sedangkan di website yang lain PR nya muncul. Ini alasannya mengapa saya menyarankan Anda memeriksanya menggunakan lebih dari satu tools atau website.

Buka situs Pastikan Anda tidak lupa untuk mencetang pilihan �Show Link Popularity�. Lalu masukkan nama website atau domain yang akan kita check. Ini hasil dari

mengecek Page Rank dengan cekpr

Buka situs Lalu masukkan nama website atau domain yang akan kita check. Ini hasil dari

mengecek page rank dengan prchecker

Langkah selanjutnya adalah kita akan memeriksa PA dan DA. Kita bisa menggunakan tool dari website kemudian masukkan nama domain yang akan kita check. Kemudian tekan perform check. Nanti website itu akan memberikan hasilnya.

hasil DA dan PA website seoreviewtools

Cara ke dua kita bisa menggunakan MOZ Bar Google Extensions. Untuk cara ini Anda perlu menginstall dulu moz bar di chrome. Setelah Anda install silahkan ketikkan nama website yang akan kita check. Nanti moz akan menampilkan hasilnya seperti yang terlihat di gambar ini:

hasil dari DA dan PA di Moz

Memeriksa Backlink Domain itu

Berikutnya adalah kita akan memeriksa backlink domain yang akan kita beli itu, caranya sangat mudah, kita hanya perlu menggunakan tool dari ahrefs. Jika kita menggunakan atau mendaftar disitus ini maka kita akan bisa menggunakan tool ini dengan banyak domain tetapi meskipiun demikin tetap ada batasan yang di berikan. Jika Anda ingin memeriksa banyak domain silahkan membayar atau mengupdate akun Anda ke versi member. Untuk hagnya bisa Anda cek langsung di stus ahrefs.

Silahkan kunjungi situs ahrefs lalu masukkan nama domain yang akan kita check. Lalu tekan enter atau search, maka nanti website ini akan menampilkan informasi yang kita butuhkan seperti yang ditampilkan dalam gambar ini:

image dari

Kita juga bisa memeriksa backlink di website openlinkprofiler, karena bisa jadi ada backlink yang bisa di baca pada tool yang 1 tetapi tidak terbaca pada tool yang ke 2. Jadi kalau bisa gunakan beberapa tools untuk mengecek backlink website.


Memeriksa TF dan CF sebiuah Domain

Langkah selanjutnya yang juga tidak kalah penting adalah kita harus memeriksa TF dan CF domain yang akan kita beli. Saya dan teman saya sangat � sangat memerhatikan ke dua metriks ini. Karena ke dua metriks ini sangat sulit untuk dimanipulasi khususnya pada metrik TF.

Catatan, jika sebuah domain memiliki Trust flow yang kecil kemungkinan besar ada 2 alasan yang bisa kita dapatkan, alasan pertama bisa saja domain yang akan kita beli itu mempunyai banyak sekali backlink namun backlink � backlink yang di dapatkan website itu kurang bisa dipercaya atau bisa jadi memang domain yang akan kita beli ini belum mempunyai backlink. Tetapi jika TF dan CF sebuah domain kecil jika domain itu se-niche dengan money site Anda saya sarankan beli saja.

memeriksa TF dan CF di majestic

Memeriksa History Domain

Langkah berikutnya yang juga harus menjadi perhatian kita adalah kita perlu memeriksa sejarah domain ini di perhatikan apakah domain ini dulunya pernah dipakai untuk website autoblog atau pernah digunakan untuk PBN website lain atau tidak, jika ya maka jangan beli domain itu.

memeriksa sejarah domain

Setelah semua sudah kita check maka langkah selanjutnya adalah kita tinggal membeli domain itu dan membangun domain itu menjadi blog dan mulai memasang backlink untuk moneysite kita. Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat ya buat kalian.

Sumber :



Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

If there is one thing about SEO that most people do wrong it has got to be keyword research and implementation.

Even those who consider themselves experienced SEO pros are still doing keyword research using tools that don�t help to formulate complete content marketing strategies.

For example, I still see the primary keyword research being done in the Google Keyword Planner where your reference points for competition are �high, medium, or low. �

These criteria are just not good enough to help you plan your content marketing strategy around, especially when you consider how relevant link building is to ranking.

Keyword research should identify opportunities for ranking with a strategy that is aligned with your website�s ability to rank for them.

Instead of targeting keywords or topics that have high volume, we need to target keywords and topics that we actually have a chance to rank for, making the best use of our time and SEO efforts.

So what if there were a way to guarantee that the content you write would actually rank with little or no link building efforts?

A way that purely relied on very systematic keyword research to find topics, sub-topics, and long-tail keywords that could be used to create resounding content marketing strategies and drive loads of traffic to the content you produced?

There is a way and I have aptly named it �Holy Grail SEO.�

We know the Holy Grail in Arthurian literature as a cup that has magical powers to provide happiness and infinite abundance. You, too, can do SEO that uses Holy Grail SEO tactics: target high volume, low competition keywords.

Keep reading to learn more about Holy Grail SEO and:

  • The importance of low competition keywords and who should be going after them.
  • Where to find high volume, low competition keywords.
  • How to use keyword competition data together to create complete topics.
  • How to generate happiness and abundance through your SEO and content.

We need to target keywords and topics that we actually have a chance to rank for

Are There Any High Volume, Low Competition Keywords Left?

If you�ve done SEO in a competitive industry you know how hard it can be to find topics to rank for that no one else has covered or that don�t require extensive amounts of link building.

You�re smart enough to know that the good old-fashioned �publish and pray� approach to ranking content just doesn�t work.

This is why SEO pros must leverage low competition keywords into their overall strategies so that they can get their sites to compete with the big boys.

Why Are Low Competition Keywords Important?

As SEO pros, if we are starting out with a client who is:

  • A startup.
  • Has a new website.
  • Has little to no domain rating.
  • In an industry that is super competitive.
  • A combination of the above.

�then we are plagued to try and get results, fast.

Beyond the standard optimizations of the website, building our product or service pages, and trying to convince our clients they need a bigger budget for PPC or social promotion, we need to use our SEO expertise to make sure our clients stick around (or our bosses don�t fire us!).

While every client agrees that they understand SEO takes �six to eight� months, come month three with no sales generated they get squeamish.

And this is exactly why we need to use low competition keywords in our SEO and content marketing strategies. Low competition keywords are those that can rank with little to no link building and little to no domain authority.

Performed properly, merely publishing a blog based on a target of low competition keywords can provide (relatively) quick traffic and long-tail rankings.

Better yet, it provides us a solid foundation in which to write more competitive topics and go after more difficult, and often more volume-rich, topics.

Who Should Be Going After Low Competition Keywords vs. High Competition Keywords?

We�ve all reverse-engineered competitor websites in an effort to determine why they outrank ours.

We think, my topic is more in-depth, we have better graphics, better references, more social shares, and my blog is more-up-to-date, so why doesn�t it rank better?

More often than not this is because or competitors have a higher domain rating than us.

Sidenote: I say domain rating (DR), Ahrefs definition of the strength of a website�s backlink profile on a logarithmic scale of 0 to 100, with the latter being the strongest. Domain authority (DA) can also be used interchangeably.

Domain rating is why sites like Forbes can publish articles, do zero outreach, and generate a fraction of the backlinks as the rest of and still outrank us.

Sites with high domain rating are usually trusted resources and can publish content and rank for it while the rest of us have to work a lot harder at it.

Therefore, if you have a site you are trying to rank a blog for, chances are you�ll be going up against a media site or some very-well established juggernaut in your vertical.

This is also why you should be spending more of your time finding and developing content around high volume, low competition keywords, and topics.

Bottom line: high DR sites can go after high keyword difficulty topics and will usually rank for them; low DR sites, well, can�t.

So how do we define a high DR site?

High DR sites are measured generally, from the 0 to 100 scale, but can also be measured on the industry level which can also mean a high DR is industry-related.

For example, a site like Forbes is a general site that covers a broad range of topics and has a DR of 93. Forbes may or may not be going after keywords that you are.

In that case, you may not have to compete with general high DR sites like Forbes (you lucky dog).

If you don�t you are probably competing with other industry sites with a higher DR than yours, meaning you still have to be deliberate with your keyword research and topic creation.

Then again, there are industry sites that have huge DR.

For example, if you�re in the real estate space, there�s a good chance you�ll be going up against (DR90) or Zillow (DR91). In many cases, we�re up against industry sites and general sites for the same keywords/topics.

That�s OK though, we can still compete with these sites!

Where to Find High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Now that we have an understanding of why low competition keywords are so important to so many of us, let�s take a look at three great ways I like to find high volume, low competition keywords.

Note: The definition of high volume keywords can be subjective. During your research you may find that you are targeting topics that have thousans of searches every month while other times you may be targeting those that have hundreds. Either way, keep in mind that the target keyword and topic may generate lots of long-tail traffic, which is why we will dive into using this research to piece together complete topics.

Method 1: Using Google SERPs to Reverse Engineer Results

Sometimes with keyword research, you can have a direct topic in mind to begin your research and other times you just visit competitors sites to find ideas. This first approach has to do with the former.

For example, my financial planning client Castle Wealth Management does a lot of wealth management for clients that are high net worth and thus wanted to create a blog on the topic of trusts.

So, before diving into a specific topic just because they wanted to cover it, as an SEO and content marketing agency, we push our clients to be more intentional about what we cover.

Being in the finance industry, I knew we�d be up against huge juggernauts like Forbes (DR 93), Nerd Wallet (DR 86), and Kiplinger (DR 84).

Taking to the Google SERPs and using the Ahrefs Chrome extension for its data on DR, Referring Domains, and Keywords a URL ranks for, we quickly found that generic posts on trusts such as �What is a trust?� were indeed dominated by the likes of huge brands like Bankrate.

Further, the topic had a Keyword Difficulty (KD) of 29, the top post had 40 referring domains (RD), and the top site, a domain rating of 89. Since the goal is to generally get within the top three rankings, we decided to move on from this topic.

Keyword difficulty

After a handful of searches we discovered the long-tail topic �why would you put your house in a trust?� was opportune for the picking. Below we see this exact keyword gets 200 searches per month.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Now, 200 is not really a pot of gold by any means in terms of volume, but you�ll see that sometimes you have to look beyond the primary keyword volume and keep an eye on long-tail traffic.

When researching this topic we found that a site (Darrow Wealth Management) with a similar DR (31 to our client�s 27) was ranking #1.

Further, their post on the topic only had 7 referring domains and was ranking in the top 100 for over 1,600 keywords, many of which were in the top 10. Long-tail goldmine? Perhaps�

Inside Ahrefs, you are able to take a look at all the keywords, their volume, their keyword difficulty, position, and more to get an idea of how your competition stacks up.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

As you can see, Darrow Wealth Management ranks within the top 5 for a ton of searches related to �why would you put your house in a trust.�

With this knowledge in the bank, we can now take an even closer look at our primary keyword to see what kind of backlink profile we need to build if we want to rank on Page 1.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

According to Ahrefs, the keyword difficulty of 3 means we�ll need links from about 4 websites to rank in the top 10 for this keyword. I�ve found this metric to not always be true as we were able to rank #2 for this search with only one backlink.

Fast forward about three months post blog production, and you�ll see our high volume, low competition strategy worked.

Check out how our client�s site now ranks for related keywords:

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

While the site is not in Position 1 for the target keyword, we only actively built one backlink to the page and have benefited tremendously from our strategy. The blog ranks for a ton of long-tail searches, over 500, and grew organically over the next eight months:

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

This is all but one strategy to find keywords and topics to write about. You can also let software do all the work for you.

Oh, and if you�re saying �well there really isn�t any competition for that at all what a joke this strategy is� just check out the high DR sites that are also going for this keyword that our strategy has beat out.

Our strategy put our client in the second spot and beat out sites like SFGate (DR90), CNN (DR92), and Pocket Sense (DR70) all with one referring domain.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Method 2: Using Keyword Software to Target Specific Topics

Another method that is really good for finding high volume, low competition keywords is by using software to help you filter through data. Using the Ahrefs Content explorer, we can utilize some great filters to find low hanging fruit content.

Start with a generic keyword search. For example, �garment bag.�

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Now, you�ll see a bunch of pages in the index that mention your target keyword. In this case, there are over 14,000 pages in the index so I want to filter them out.

There are a lot of considerations and filters that can be applied, but part of the fun is playing around with the tool.

First and foremost, however, you�ll want to filter out any pages that are not ranking for anything. I�ll set the organic traffic filter to �From: 500� for starters so we only see pages that rank for over 500 keywords. You can be more aggressive or less aggressive depending on the results.

In this case, the filter leaves me with 173 pages which is pretty good considering where it started.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Because I want sites that have a low, or relatively modest domain rating, I�ll also filter sites that are above a DR30.

I do this because I will know my chances of finding a topic that a low DR site ranks for means my site can probably do the same. 

This is not always the case, however. Sometimes high DR sites can be goldmines for low competition, high volume topics. But in this example, we�ll stick to low DR sites that have low competition, high traffic blogs we can steal from.

With our new filter set, we now see there are 10 pages to evaluate based on our �garment bags� topic:

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Now, all we have to do is open up the organic traffic tabs on the various sites to see if we can find some keyword opportunities that fit the Holy Grail bill.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Voila! Holy Grail SEO goldmine!

The first blog has a bunch of topics and the metrics tell me it is a good option to cover.

First off, the referring domains to the site are at one, the site has almost 1,200 keywords in the index, the keywords I see showing up are all really low keyword difficulty, and the volume of the keywords collectively and of a few isolated ones are great (ex. �Garment bag carry on� 1,600 volume, KD1; �garment duffel bag� 500 volume, KD1).

I can repeat the same process of investigation on the other sites that showed up in the list and jot down the other keywords I want to hit in my blog.

This approach is great, but the other approach can often find topics even faster. And that is using competitors to find high volume, low competition Holy Grail content.

Method 3: Looking at Competitors to Find HV/LCK Keywords

One of my favorite Holy Grail SEO techniques is to mine competitors sites for keywords and blog topics.

Even sites with high DR can be goldmines for high volume, low competition keywords.

And as we�ve seen in the Castle Wealth Management example, you can beat out sites with high DR with a well-written low competition keyword target.

For example, let�s stick to our finance example. This is an extremely competitive industry with competition in niche sites, industry sites, and general news sites like CNN.

I�ll visit one of the most popular financial advice sites, NerdWallet, to see if I can�t find some high volume topics to cover.

I bring the site into Ahrefs Site Explorer to dissect it. Inside this tool, we can sort topics by the Top pages � pages that the software tells me ranks for a ton of keywords � as well as set a filter for Keyword Difficulty.

In this case, I set the KD filter to 10 (although you could probably go a lot lower to see what you find).

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Take a look at the filtered settings to see if there are contextually relevant topics that you think your audience would enjoy.

For example, let�s say I run a general financial advice site, right off the bat I see �how to fill out a money order� and �best time to buy a tv� as some potential targets.

To investigate further, I open the Organic Keyword report for each and look at the Volume and Keyword Difficulty of the results.

The Position is also worth noting as well as this shows that solid rankings here can likely be duplicated with a similar blog.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Looking at these two side by side, we see that the �Best time to buy a TV� topic has a slightly higher keyword difficulty. Most of the keywords sit around 8 while the �How to fill out a money order� sits around 6.

Further, there seems to be a lot more keyword volume for the money order primary keyword � 23,000 versus 11,000.

Ultimately you may decide to cover both topics but if you were to choose one over the other, you�d want to go with the easier of the two.

Digging a little further still, you�ll want to see how many backlinks you may need for each. You�ll need about 7 and 9 links, for the money order and TV blogs, respectively.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Putting Your Keyword Competition Data Together to Create Complete Topics

I�ll be the first to admit that good keyword research is only the beginning. You�ll still need to implement it properly if you want the research to help drive traffic.

Here are some more tips on bringing the grail home.

Keyword Research Still Needs to Be Complemented with Great Writing

Yes, good keyword research does not mean you can get away with writing crappy blogs. This may be an obvious point, but let�s get that out of the way.

Beyond good writing, one tip I have for you is to be exhaustive with a topic. Being exhaustive with a topic is part research and part logic and I find often involves a lot of keyword rich sub-topics.

For example, let�s take a look at our keyword data for the aforementioned �garment bags� research:

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

From here, we know we have keyword data and volume but that alone doesn�t make the blog come to life.

What we want to do is then use some logic to determine what would make good talking points in our post while also being intentional about the keyword opportunities. So, let�s say you decide on a general post of �15 Best Garment Bags of 2019� as your topic.

You can then use this keyword data to break down some good sub-topics that obviously have some volume behind them.

Note: For the sub-topic portion I don�t always focus on topics with low keyword difficulty. This can be helpful to do but if a sub-topic is appropriate for your post, don�t be afraid to cover it if you find it is a competitive keyword.

Perhaps in this post, I�ll have my writer cover the following as sub-topics:

  • Best roll up garment bags
  • Best carry on garment bags
  • Best garment bags with wheels
  • Garment bag carry on rules
  • When to get a tri fold garment bag

In this case, my keyword research is dictating my sub-topics, making it a win for the overall topic but also for the implementation of my keyword research.

Also, check out Google SERPs for even more ideas that Google is telling you people are also interested in within the �People also ask� and �Searches related to� sections in the SERPs.

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

Holy Grail SEO: High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

The Quest for Holy Grail SEO Never Ends

The ability to drive traffic to sites that are high volume and low competition is very real. It is a great strategy for startups, new websites, sites with little to no domain rating, and sites that just want to build more traffic.

The research is actually quite simple and with a little practice can be implemented in just a few minutes. While we never rule out link building as a deliverable, it is nice to show gains in traffic without having to spend a bunch of time and resources building links.

Give Holy Grail SEO a try for yourself and I promise, done right, it will work wonders for your content marketing strategy.


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